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Hershey's Web Page

Chocolate Labrador Retriever / German Shorthaired Pointer / Mixed  : :  Male  : :  Young  : :  Medium

My Rescue
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Learn more about the German Shorthaired Pointer.

About Hershey

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
This is Hershey he is one of 6 adorable puppies, labrador retriever/German shorthaired pointer mixes. 4 are males, 2 are females. They are 6 weeks old and are available for adoption now (can be adopted now, will be ready to go to their new homes in 1-2 weeks). All 6 puppies are very friendly, happy, outgoing puppies and have been raised in a foster home with their mother, a labrador retriever mix since birth. The puppies and their mother were rescued from a Northern California animal shelter.
34511 Highway 16 •  Woodland, CA 95695  •  (530) 662-4989 •  cashelterfriends [ at ]